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Major universities should be prepared for cyber attacks and other serious challenges.

UK intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm — foreign countries are targeting the theft of intellectual property and advanced research at the country's leading universities. This threat has the potential to undermine the national security of the United Kingdom.

A special private briefing organized by MI5 and the government was attended by vice-chancellors of 24 elite British universities , including Oxford and Cambridge Universities, as well as Imperial College London. They were provided with comprehensive information about the risks that their educational institutions might face.

According to the intelligence agencies, advanced research developments that can be applied in both civilian and military fields can become the target of targeted cyber attacks and espionage. Attackers seek to steal valuable data in order to strengthen their own military and economic potential.

Despite the absence of direct accusations against anyone, the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee has previously warned of the potential threat of excessive Chinese interference in the research activities of British universities.

The meeting was attended by the head of MI5, Ken McCallum, and the interim director General of the National Cyber Security Center, Felicity Oswald. According to them, foreign agents can also take over advanced developments with the involvement of insiders or simply through partnerships.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden, announced that the government is already developing protective measures to address the problem.

Among the announced plans: to increase the transparency of funding sources for research, to review the procedure for allowing employees to access classified information, and to allocate funds to educational institutions for the development of cybersecurity and intellectual property protection systems.

Heads of associations of leading British universities assured that universities take threats to national security extremely seriously. They work closely with the government and the intelligence community to reliably protect advanced British developments, especially in such promising areas as artificial intelligence.