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    What Is A Dns Leak And Why It Matters

    1) When using an anonymity or privacy service, it is extremely important that all traffic originating from your computer is routed through the anonymity network. 2) If any traffic flows outside of a secure connection to the network, any adversary controlling your traffic will be able to register...
  2. E

    Telegram Anonymity And Privacy

    Get an anonymous phone number not tied to you via 5sim.net. This is to enable two-factor auth as well, making sure no one can later steal you're account. This is also where you will do your initial setup of Telegram, while using the number obtained from 5sim.net. We recommend to start with...
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    Image by Hollywood Reporter Too often we view the world only through the filter of our experiences and make investment decisions based purely on this. When I was a teenager I read Benjamin Graham’s clunky classic “The Intelligent Investor” under the watchful eye of my grandfather, and the...
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    When it comes to finding the best bitcoin exchange things are not all that easy. Why is this so? Simply because many of the best sites to buy bitcoin are rather recently online. This means that they have had little to get the word out about their services and products. Most people coming to this...
  7. P

    Bitcoin: A Brief Introduction

    Bitcoin: A Brief Introduction A prime example of simple and cheap purchasing via LocalBitcoins. Bitcoin was developed and released in 2009 by an anonymous developer, or group of developers, using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of the individuals involved remains unknown...
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    Unblock proxies and Virtual Private Sites (VPNs) Proxies and VPNs differ in nature, whilst they provides some of the same services. A VPN routes all of the network traffic over a customer computer through a canal to some other machine computer. No individual program configuration is required...
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    Employing both Tor and a VPN can be difficult, and even dangerous if done improperly. Routing VPN traffic through Tor or vice versa has certain major benefits, as well as disadvantages, depending on your threat model. This kind of article will briefly describe when, and how, to work with both...
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    today's world, it's important to protect your mobile device from hackers and spyware. If your phone is hacked or someone is spying on you, they may be able to access your personal information, such as your passwords, contacts, and financial data. Fortunately, there are several apps available to...
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