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Apr 16, 2024
Should one be in possession of the tangible cards, equipped with either contactless capabilities or the requisite PIN numbers, an alternative course of action may be pursued as follows:

  1. Procure a portable card reader, such as SumUp or Handepay.
  2. Upon completion of the setup process, ensure the availability of a disposable eWallet or business account, wherein the funds shall be directed subsequent to the card cashing out procedure.
  3. Prepare the cards designated for cashout, in conjunction with the card reader device.
  4. Employ the contactless functionality for transactions amounting to £100 or below, or input the PIN to facilitate transactions of greater value.
  5. The funds shall thereafter be transferred to the aforementioned eWallet or business account, previously established.
  6. Proceed to redirect the funds to an alternative account, ensuring the permanent deletion of the temporary accounts initially utilised.
  7. One may subsequently opt to convert the funds into privacy coins of a cryptographic nature, such as Monero, or transfer the funds to a conventional banking account, subsequently withdrawing the entire amount in the form of tangible currency.