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    US Cyber Command intensifies search for foreign hackers ahead of elections

    In 2018, intelligence operations focused primarily on Russia, but now also include Iran and China. U.S. Cyber Command has expanded its overseas operations to target foreign hacker groups in order to identify and prevent possible cyberattacks from other governments. “Since 2018, we've...
  2. E

    California Voters Expand Data Privacy Law

    California voters have backed an initiative expanding a data privacy law criticized by rights watchdogs as having worrying "loopholes" for firms such as Google and Facebook. The initiative, which got 56 percent of the vote in Tuesday's election, builds on a state law by letting people limit how...
  3. E

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  4. E

    Brazilian Supreme Court systems shut down until November 9 due to cyber attack

    Supposedly, the operators of the ransomware RansomExx are behind the cyber attack. During the court hearings, which were held by videoconference, the Brazilian Supreme Court was subjected to a cyber attack using ransomware. As a result of the attack, the databases of ongoing lawsuits were...
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    New data released today by Arkose Labs shows increased fraud across all industries since Black Friday, with North America's gaming industry being a primary target. As the popularity of online shopping continues under the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, researchers observed a surge in credential...
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    New data released today by Arkose Labs shows increased fraud across all industries since Black Friday, with North America's gaming industry being a primary target. As the popularity of online shopping continues under the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, researchers observed a surge in credential...
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