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    5462310004306265::09::26::859:::Melissa: 2825 Redrock Road East 7D: Brownsburg:🇮🇳:46112::3175038666::
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    4946380006778786|11/24|204|Bibiana Mancera|903NW 110th Terrace|Plantation|FL|33324|UNITED STATES|260158904eb09505499e27d9decb|[email protected]|9542268940| 4030150828618305|02/32|228|aaron cable|SC|SC|SC|29902|UNITED STATES||[email protected]||...
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    What is an anti-detection browser and how to hide browser fingerprints?

    Fingerprints are unique, hereditary and unchanging marks on the human fingers. Everyone has different fingerprints, which makes the fingerprints left at the crime scene an important clue for the police to hunt down suspects. So, what is browser fingerprinting? Device fingerprinting, machine...
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    486830 4868300024297803^MELLOR/JOHN F^1007101000000000029000000;4868300024297803=10071010000000029 VISA Gold/Prem United States Of America Debit Wells Fargo Bank, National Association 474472 4744720005868258^SHULTZ/GERALD W^1305101000000000042200422000000;4744720005868258=13051010000000000422...
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    Card Number: 4117714009154905 Expiry Date: 06/27 CVV2: 134 Type: VISA Debit/Credit: DEBIT Subtype: PLATINUM Cardholder Name: ZACHARY CHAMBERLIN Country Code: US State: RI City: Newport ZIP: 02840 Address: N/A Phone: N/A E-Mail: [email protected] Extra Info: N/A DOB: N/A SSN: N/A MMN: N/A AT&T...
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    Fresh UAE free

    5326674420483339 07/25 546 wallie beitris UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 5326674420483438 12/24 881 faina lucky UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 5326674420483610 09/26 464 mavra sydel UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 5326674420483776 10/26 505 emiline elsy UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 5326674420484113 11/27 627 lorianna margit UNITED...
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    DoubleYou: a new tool to protect macOS from the NSA and Apple

    The company allows you to make the iPhone invulnerable with individual security features. Former employees of the NSA and Apple founded a startup DoubleYou, which offers a new approach to protecting Apple devices. Patrick Wardle, a former NSA employee and macOS security researcher, and Mikhail...
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    Time Capsule open: MS-DOS 4.0 source code published on GitHub

    Microsoft and IBM gave enthusiasts a trip to the past. Ten years ago, Microsoft released the source code of the MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 operating systems for the Computer History Museum, and later "republished" them and posted them on GitHub for educational purposes. The system was written entirely...
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    $5.6 million for Technology: Amazon Ring employees spied on 55,000 Americans

    Ring received a fine for improperly protecting customer video recordings. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced compensation payments totaling $5.6 million to customers of Ring (Amazon). The payments were the result of allegations of privacy violations brought by the regulator against...
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    FBI: "Failed on the left exchange? Not our problem"

    The agency reminded users of the dangers of unregistered cryptocurrency services. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warns the public against using unregistered cryptocurrency transfer services, which can lead to financial losses if they are closed by law enforcement agencies. The...
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    Indian bank banned from opening new accounts due to weak cybersecurity

    How did investors react and will the bank continue to operate? The Central Bank of India has banned Kotak Mahindra Bank from registering new customers through online services and apps. The measures were taken after "serious deficiencies were identified" in the management of IT systems...
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    Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: cybercrime among teenagers soared 74 times

    In 2023, four thousand IT crimes were recorded. Since 2020, the number of IT crimes committed by minors in Russia has increased 74 times. This was announced by Artem Babintsev, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Main Department for Public Order Protection of the Ministry of...
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    foreign agents want to steal scientific achievements of British universities

    Major universities should be prepared for cyber attacks and other serious challenges. UK intelligence agencies are sounding the alarm — foreign countries are targeting the theft of intellectual property and advanced research at the country's leading universities. This threat has the potential...
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    A hacker was detained in Kazan

    In Kazan, law enforcement officers detained a foreign man who is suspected of committing a crime in the field of computer information. He tried to fly to Uzbekistan, but at border control he was asked to stay to clarify the circumstances. The 46-year-old foreigner is accused of creating, using...
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    US authorities arrested and charged the operators of the Samourai mixer with laundering 100 million dollars

    The US Department of Justice has charged Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill with laundering more than $ 100 million through the Samourai Whirlpool cryptocurrency mixer, which they operated for almost a decade. Rodriguez was arrested earlier this week and will face trial in the United...
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    Sanctions and bounty on the head: The US declares war on Iranian hackers

    The US Treasury Department announced sanctions against four Iranian citizens and two companies for participating in cyber attacks against US government agencies, defense contractors and private companies. The sanctions affected two defense companies-Mehrsam Andisheh Saz Nik (MASN) and Dadeh...