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Apr 16, 2024
THIS CAN BE Exceptionally Unsafe! THIS IS YOUR Admonition

You'll require this:
VCC (Virtual Visa) with somewhere around $1 on it
Drop house (On the off chance that you're accomplishing mutiple)
Chronic Number that is still in guarantee (elusive now days)
No boxing or calling required.

1. Getting a chronic number:
I like to get my chronic numbers off of Craigslist or eBay, it's simple, send an email saying you believe the chronic number should check in the event that it's taken and assuming it's still in guarantee with Microsoft. 9/10 individuals simply give it to you, then you need to enroll the sequential to the site I'm posting after this.
2. Go to https://myservice.xbox.com/en-US/Pages/Welcome.aspx
3. Click "Begin demand"
4. Utilize any reason with the exception of "Security concern or issue"
furthermore, for the extra remarks essentially make a story up.
5. Then, at that point, click Proceed.

Then, at that point, you ought to be on the guarantee part, assuming the guarantee is great it'll give you the choice to go on with no charge, simply click "Proceed"

Then, at that point, you ought to be on the "Delivery Address" part of the interaction. Ensure it's a location you can get to (Clearly). keep in mind, in the event that you're accomplishing mutiple, basically utilize a drop as a security measure.
Click "Proceed" once finished.

Once on "Transportation Choices" page, ensure you click the charge card choice, that is the best way to get a high level substitution.

6. Then, at that point, click "Proceed"

For installment enter all your VCC data.
Then click "Proceed"
in the event that your VCC works. it'll process and blast, you have another Xbox 360.