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Apr 16, 2024
The specialists figured out how to recognize and report the presence of Joker malware in 8 applications on Google Play Store.
In the beyond three years, the Joker malware has stood out as truly newsworthy oftentimes by attacking applications accessible on Google Play Store. The malware taints the client's gadget after the contaminated application is downloaded and continues to gather information covertly.

Once more, this time, it is spotted by Fast Mend Security Labs in eight applications on Google Play Store. The analysts advised Google about this issue, after which the organization eliminated all the contaminated applications.

Which Applications are Bound with Joker Malware?
Altogether, eight applications were viewed as tainted with the Joker Trojan infection. The accompanying android applications should be taken out right away assuming that you have downloaded them:

The Infamous Joker Trojan
This perilous malware takes data from the contact list, SMS messages, and gadget data from the casualty's gadget and unobtrusively collaborates with promotion destinations. It additionally bought in the casualty to premium administrations

Be careful with Joker Malware
In the current situation, as announced by Speedy Mend, when the contaminated application is sent off subsequent to downloading, it demands notice admittance to get notice information. It then takes SMS information from the warning and afterward requests Contacts access.

At the point when the entrance is given, the application demands call authorization and keeps on working behind the scenes without allowing the casualty to think anything.

Moreover, it covertly downloads two payloads, one of which is downloaded from a Bitly abbreviated URL connect (bitly/3hT17RL). It is available in the first application on Google Play Store.

The following payload is downloaded from skullalioss-me-east 1aliyuncs.com/realease.mp3. This is the Joker malware payload and contains the code for warning access and the onReceive technique.

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