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Apr 16, 2024
first you need to require this:

1. Mailist ( you get your own like dump, sqli and so on what ever you like )
2. Cpanel
3. Scampage Paypal
4. Letter Paypal
5. Mailer

that you really want first. presently I will make sense of each and every number
1. Mailist
I for the most part use sqli unloader, you need to play the name of dimwit why? in this time if you have any desire to get mailist new you should play your mind to construct a doofus new!

2. Cpanel
Alright next, you get your mailist now you should have cpanel to transfer your scampage. gracious I neglected in this time your cpanel dynamic with space. you can track down it on Freenom[.]com

3.Scampage Paypal
presently time you should transfer your scampage script. I recommend to pay scampage script why? since, in such a case that you download any site in envelope scampage many log or secondary passage

4. Letter
presently you find or make your own letter, if letter undetect phising its perfect!

5. Mailer
after number 1, 2, 3, 4. its completing time! yet, you should have php mailer in great server

that time I think this vital you really want! in the event that you don't have mailer you must have smtp server to send mass mailist!

oke thanks this little instructional exercise!
in the event that you have question come one we share together!