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Apr 16, 2024
This is an independent instructional exercise to check the bank logs and to cash out it.

To check the bank log.

-make a record in the mint.com.

-add the bank log to your record by that you can confirm the log.

-In the dashboard you can see the exchanges of the ledger.

-To confirm the scaled down stores in (paypal,skrill) you can utilize them.

To Cashout the bank log Utilizing Paypal

-make another record in paypal with dead fullz or purchase a center man account.

-In the event that your fullz are not goog used to make to make the paypal account prior you can't add equilibrium to it. Paypal will interface the record with are made by similar data which sets off the banner and record goes restricted.

-Assuming that the record is effectively made add the ledger to it and add balance from the ledger.

-For new paypal account the exchange takes 3 work days to show up in the record.

-For matured account with exchange history takes 1-2 work days to show up in the record.

-You can add your drop bank to pull out the assets or you can purchase with the equilibrium before the charge back comes.

-To move the equilibrium to your drop ledger takes 1 work days.

-You can likewise utilize your Bitcoin debitcard to pull out the assets to the BTC straightforwardly From Paypal without exchangers.

Utilizing Skrill:

-Make another record with the dead Fullz and add the financial balance.

-Check the Financial balance with the small scale deposits(using Mint)
-Add the Equilibrium to the Skrill and Cashout it with Drop account or spend it.