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Apr 16, 2024
Well hello again!

Many of you may remember me from the AB/Hansa days. I was the leading vendor handling all things Venmo. I'm back and wanted to reintroduce myself to anyone who is new to this.

Venmo is the most popular peer to peer mobile payment application, and extremely easy to cash out if you have access to aged venmo accounts. I've been hitting Venmo since late 2016, and with anything, there were hurdles and challenges that had to be evaluated and overcome. Over the past 5 months, I'm confident to say that my new method is successfully working and I'm sending out 10-20 transfers a week, almost all of them cashing out with no flags or accounts being frozen.

Venmo is owned by Paypal and like you could of guessed, they have taken on some of the same security features that Paypal has incorporated in the past, however since it's 99% used on mobile devices, these security barriers can be bypassed with ease.

I'm offering live tutoring and guides on how to send transfers as well as cash out within 24 hours to people who are willing to learn and take the time to understand each step of the process.

My usual rate for transfers is 25%, but it varies on the amount you wish to purchase. These funds do NOT charge back to your account, and I'll happily explain part of my process to you on jabber.
I'm looking for new clients to build a working relationship with, so feel free to message me