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Apr 16, 2024
1 Method: Easy
Cardable wabsite: https://www.gamestop.com/
Item Carded: PlayStation 5 Spiderman-Bundle

- HQ Proxy or RDP.
- Phone nummer. Ye can jist type the owner o cc phone n jist change some digits so he winnae receive notifications OR use the OTP BOT ye prefer.
- Non vbv cc. This cc should be fullz tae avoid verification, use fullz wi aw personal info.
- Drop shippin address.

2 Method: Easy
Cardable wabsite: https://www.bestbuy.com/
Item Carded: PlayStation 5 Digital Edition

- HQ Proxy or RDP.
- Phone nummer. Ye can jist type the owner o cc phone n jist change some digits so he winnae receive notifications OR use the OTP BOT ye prefer.
- Non vbv cc. This cc should be fullz tae avoid verification, use fullz wi aw personal info.
- Drop shippin address.

- Gan doon tae Bestbuy n fin the Playstation 5 console ye wannie o for cardin.

- Aince ye huv the Playstation 5 picelt, stick it in yer tote n gie the till process a bash. They'll be hingin oot fur yer payment deets, sae pick "Credit Card" as yer payment wey.

- Type in aw the bits n bobs frae yer non-vbv caird, lik the nummer n expiry date. Syne, click "Submit" & use yer OTP BOT service tae swerve roond the 2fa chek tae feenish aff the till process.

- Noo ye huv done a braw job o cardin a Playstation 5 frae Bestbuy!

3 Method: Easy
Cardable wabsite: https://www.backmarket.com/
Item Carded: PlayStation 4 Slim Gold Edition

- HQ Proxy or RDP.
- Phone nummer. Ye can jist type the owner o cc phone n jist change some digits so he winnae receive notifications OR use the OTP BOT ye prefer.
- Non vbv cc. This cc should be fullz tae avoid verification, use fullz wi aw personal info.
- Drop shippin address.