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BidenCash Shop
Kfc Club
banner Expire 1 April  2021
Rescator cvv and dump shop
Yale lodge shop
banner expire at 13 August 2024


Apr 16, 2024
assuming you are doing only one of this mix-ups , you won't ever receive delivered email haha

1-certain individuals don't change the Ip until checkout page
well assuming u are one of them you should change IP before u snap on the site

2-Others change Ip and when they can't card something they change ip to another nation ... you can't simply do that , you should clean treats to change IP once more , site has an instrument names Past IP of this guest that mean programmed fraude
you won't card regardless of whether all ur cc are live and high equilibrium
or on the other hand u will get thank you page and after 2 sec you will get email with dropped message..

3-bunches of carders continue to involve numerous cc in one site to card something , man u can't simply do that , you let them know u are carder by shipping off them numerous cc data sets and names in a similar time...
attempt multiple times max 10 and afterward stand by 24 and attempt once more

Also, for noobs , checking is exceptionally dangerous , and drop will not get u safe brother , drop sell ur data sets effectively when site contact it...and it will lead them to ur genuine adresse
so if u have any desire to be protected , remain low than 100$ and all will be well

Finaly , How to find cardables destinations ?
quit asking carders for that ...get cardales destinations by ur self by simply utilizing instagram or facebook , practically all locales on the promotions are so natural to card....
likewise for me actually I get cardables destinations from youtube haha

if you would rather not card , I have an answer for you :d

you realize internet games right ?
attempt to games focuses to somebody and he will pay you for that
I used to do that and made my most memorable dollars haha , that was cool thus protected
best of luck and be protected