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    4946380006778786|11/24|204|Bibiana Mancera|903NW 110th Terrace|Plantation|FL|33324|UNITED STATES|260158904eb09505499e27d9decb|[email protected]|9542268940| 4030150828618305|02/32|228|aaron cable|SC|SC|SC|29902|UNITED STATES||[email protected]||...
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    Hacking Exposed Wireless, Second Edition Released-Hacking Ebooks

    Build and configure your Wi-Fi attack arsenal with the best hardware and software tools Explore common weaknesses in WPA2 networks through the eyes of an attacker Leverage post-compromise remote client attacks on Windows 7 and Mac OS X Master attack tools to exploit wireless systems, including...
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    Introduction to Telnet Hacking tutorials

    What is Telnet? Telnet is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communications facility using a virtual terminal connection. Using telnet , we can connect to remote System(to test the host). It can be used for...
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    What is Virtual and Physical Ports?-Hackers tutorials

    There two different ports are there. First one is Physical Ports that are used to connect two different hardwares. It will available behind your CPU. The different types of physical ports : Ethernet ports USB ports Serial/Parallel ports Using the physical ports only, we connect the...
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    What Is Hacking And How To Guard Against It?

    Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorized access into a computer system, or group of computer systems. This is done through cracking of passwords and codes which gives access to the systems. Cracking is the term which specifies the method by which the password or code is obtained. The...
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    This file is an addendum to "A Novice's Guide To Hacking" written by "The Mentor". The word "hacking" is here used the way the non-hacking public thinks it is used, to mean breaking into somebody else's computer. Its purpose is to expand and clarify the information about the TOPS-20 operating...
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    All I see on YouTube is patched characters and kids making you join their discord for working ones so I thought I'd share this lol. Enjoy! Example:
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    The Art of Human Hacking -Social Engineering(SE) tutorial series

    Hello BTS readers, here we come with an interesting tutorial written by my friend Mr.Ashish Mistry who is the founder of Hcon and author of ‘HconSTF ‘ project. Hello all, after a long time I am again started writing, In a hope that my believe in “sharing the spirit of learning” fulfills well. So...
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    How to Use Proxy IP address ?-Change the Ip address

    Hi friends, i give a list of proxy servers about 100. But i forget to tell how it will be useful ,how to use it. In this post, i will explain how to use the proxy server. What is the Use of The Proxy? Hide your IP. Browse the Internet anonymously. Get the List of Proxy from here...
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    How to Create your own FTP Server in your system using Serv-U 10.0 FTP Server

    In this post i will guide you to how to create a FTP server in your home. Though there is lot of steps to folow, but it is very simple to do that. So i just follow my steps . What you need? Serv-U 10.0 or other versions No-IP.com Website Step 1: How to get the static address in NO-IP.COM...
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    Anonymity complete GUIDE

    Anonymity on the web Nowadays, everyone wants privacy on the web, because no matter where you go, someone could be watching you. Someone like your employer, someone trying to hack your system, companies gathering all your info to sell to yet other companies, or even the government, may be on...
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    Goldoson Android Malware Found in 60 Apps with 100M Downloads

    Cellebrite is a similar organization which assisted the FBI with opening iPhone gadget of San Bernardino shooter. Eminent Policing, the Israel-based legal sciences firm Cellebrite has guaranteed that they have fostered an ideal instrument to hack pretty much every top of the line Android and iOS...
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    Tails 3. 0 - Friendly System To Preserve The Privacy And Anonymity

    Tails is a live system that aims to protect your privacy and being anonymous. It can help you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost where ever you go and on any computer but giving no trace until you ask it to explicitly. That is a complete working system built to be...
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    DOM Based Cross Site Scripting(XSS) vulnerability Tutorial

    So far i have explained about the Traditional Cross site scripting that occurs because of insecure server-side code. In this post , i am going to explain the DOM Based Cross Site Scripting vulnerability. if you don’t what cross site scripting is, then i recommend you to read the basics from...
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    [Metasploit Tutorial] Hacking Windows XP using IP Address

    Do you think it is possible to hack some one computer with just an ip address?! The answer is yes, if you are using unpatched(vulnerable) OS. If you don’t believe me, then read the full article. In this article i am going to demonstrate how to hack a remote computer by exploiting the parsing...
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    Goldoson Android Malware Found in 60 Apps with 100M Downloads

    Cellebrite is a similar organization which assisted the FBI with opening iPhone gadget of San Bernardino shooter. Eminent Policing, the Israel-based legal sciences firm Cellebrite has guaranteed that they have fostered an ideal instrument to hack pretty much every top of the line Android and iOS...
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    Thousands of Department of Justice (DoJ) email accounts were accessed by SolarWinds attackers last year, the department has confirmed. The DoJ issued a brief statement yesterday to shed more light on the impact of the attacks, which the government has so far acknowledged and blamed on Russia...
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    Albeit these applications have been accounted for to research, they are yet to be eliminated from the Play Store seriously jeopardizing Minecraft clients of additional tricks. Albeit these applications have been accounted for to research, they are yet to be taken out from the Play Store...
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    A former intelligence analyst who was once a United States military service member has pleaded guilty to obtaining classified information and passing it to a reporter. Daniel Everette Hale served as an enlisted airman in the US Air Force from July 2009 to July 24. After language and...
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    Sn1per Community Edition is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. Sn1per Professional is Xero Security's premium reporting addon for Professional Penetration Testers, Bug Bounty Researchers and Corporate Security teams to...